Saudi King Meets with Ethiopian PM on Bilateral Ties

Saudi King Fahd Ibn Abdul-Aziz met Monday with visiting Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to discuss ways of promoting relations in various areas.

The meeting, which was held in the Red Sea port city of Jeddah, also tackled key issues in the Arab, Islamic and international arenas, Kuwait News Agency reported.

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Aziz, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sultan Ibn Abdul-Aziz, and Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin, Minister of Mines and Energy Izedin Ali and Minister of Commerce and Industry Kasahun Ayele attended the talks.

Ethiopian diplomats in the Saudi capital of Riyadh said that Zenawi is expected to hold extensive talks with Saudi officials to find ways of boosting economic cooperation and increasing commercial exchanges between the two countries.

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