Hu Jintao Meets Vietnam's New Party Chief

Hu Jintao Meets Vietnam's New Party Chief
China is convinced that Vietnam's newly-elected party chief will, as always, value bilateral friendship and make new and yet greater contributions to the continuous promotion of friendly cooperative ties between the two parties and countries, Vice-President Hu Jintao said Monday in Hanoi.

Hu made the remarks during his meeting Monday morning with Nong Duc Manh, the newly-elected general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). The meeting was held in a cordial and friendly manner.

Hu, a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) who led a CPC delegation to the CPV 's 9th National Congress, left Hanoi for home shortly after the meeting.

During the meeting, Hu conveyed a message of congratulations to Manh from CPC Central Committee General Secretary Jiang Zemin and offered his own congratulations on the success of the CPV's 9th congress and Manh's election as general secretary.

From the blueprint of the congress, Hu said, China has foreseen the bright future of the Vietnamese party, state and people in their socialist construction, and their firm determination to adhere to the socialist road and the renovation process.

He noted that China is convinced that under the CPV Central Committee's leadership with Manh playing the leading role, the Vietnamese people will turn their country into a fair, democratic, civilized, socialist and industrial one.

Manh spoke highly of the CPC for sending such a high-level delegation to the 9th congress and Hu's speech at the congress, saying this reflects the brotherhood and the deep sentiment the CPC and the Chinese people cherish for the Vietnamese party and people.

He asked Hu to pass on his best regards and gratitude to Jiang and other Chinese leaders.

Hu said China and Vietnam share the common ideals and goals and face similar tasks, and it is the common aspirations for the two peoples to strengthen cooperation and share development, under the complicated and changeable international situation in the new century.

He stated that in the century, China will join hands with Vietnam in continuing the principle of building the long-term, stable, future-oriented, good-neighborly and all-round cooperative relations for the 21st century, following the principles governing bilateral ties, actively implementing all the tasks set in the joint statement, and pushing the China-Vietnam relationship to a new height, in the interests of the two peoples and of world peace, development and progress.

Manh said that in recent years, the traditional friendship between the two parties and the two countries has maintained a profound and good momentum of development.

The Vietnamese party and government treasure the Vietnam-China ties and will make every effort to implement the principle of building the long-term, stable, future-oriented, good-neighborly and all-round cooperative relations for the 21st century, so as to better promote the ties between the two parties and the two countries, he said.

The new party chief stressed that it is necessary to let the younger generation learn more about the long tradition of friendship between the two nations and make this friendship last from generation to generation.

Hu extended Jiang's invitation to Manh to visit China, and Manh accepted the invitation with pleasure, saying he is looking forward to Jiang's visit to Vietnam at an early date.

People's Daily Online ---