More than 2,000 Youths March in Poland to Mark Holocaust

More than 2,000 youths from around the world Thursday took part in the "March of the Living" that retraces the steps of Jews sent to the Auschwitz gas chambers, the Polish News Agency (PAP) reported.

Among them were Israeli-Polish group of students, who were attending the Israeli-Polish seven-day Forum in order to eliminate stereotypes and prejudice and build new bonds between young people of the two countries.

The three-kilometer march started at 1 p.m. local time, from the so-called "death gate" of former Auschwitz Nazi death camp to the International Monument of Holocaust Victims of the Birkenau death camp, where a commemorative ceremony was held for Jews who died in the holocaust.

On the same day, Polish Vice-Premier Komolowski and Secretary of State Siwiec attended the commemoration at the Monument of Warsaw Ghetto Rising, where they laid wreaths and flowers to the Jewish victims of the holocaust.

The March of the Living marks the 58th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Rising of 1943. The Warsaw Ghetto was set up in 1940. About 13,000 Jewish fighters and Civilians died in the 28-day rising that broke out on April 19 in 1943, in protest against mass deportations to Treblinka gas chambers by Nazis.

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