Hainan Shows More Signs of Economic Recovery

Hainan Island Province, China's largest special economic zone, has shown more signs of economic recovery since the beginning of the year.

While addressing the ongoing seventh session of the third Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Wednesday, Party Secretary Du Qinglin said the province scored 9.2 percent, 25.4 percent and 74.1 percent increases in gross domestic product (GDP), tourism earnings and fixed assets investment respectively, from January to March compared with the same period last year.

In the meantime, the entrepreneurs' confidence index rose by 14.77 percentage points in the past three months to hit 119.62, a high since 1998, said Du, adding that the island province is caught in a new development and construction craze.

Hainan Island, which used to fall under jurisdiction of south China's Guangdong Province, became a province of its own and a special economic zone in 1988.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/