Over 10% of Entrepreneurs Earn over RMB 100,000Yuan /Year

A latest investigation of 5075 Chinese entrepreneurs shows that although some 80.6 percent of these entrepreneurs still earn salary mainly from monthly pay and bonus, about 11.5 percent of all get a yearly income of over RMB 100,000 yuan, and the proportion of them is on a sharp increase.

Some Chinese managers are paid by other ways, including stock right, yearly pay and mortgaged contract with risks, accounting respectively for 22 percent, 18.8 and 11.4 of all. And about 31.8 percent of the listed companies adopt a yearly pay system with around 40 percent of the limited companies using stock right system, and only 1.1 percent of all enterprises are paid by futures and options.

The investigation also shows that nearly 89 percent of these entrepreneurs earn less than RMB 100,000 yuan per year, of which 50.3 percent are of the state-owned entrepreneurs and 57.2 percent of entrepreneurs in middle and West China earn less than RMB 20,000 yuan per year.กกกก

The managers of listed companies and hi-tech enterprises are the main force of the high-income group. About 16.8 percent of managers in listed companies earn RMB 100,000-500,000 yuan and 4.7 percent earn more than RMB 500,000 yuan per year. And in the hi-tech enterprises, some 15.6 percent of managers earn RMB 100,000-500,000 yuan per year and 5.8 percent get a yearly income higher than RMB 500,000 yuan.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/