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Wednesday, April 18, 2001, updated at 08:01(GMT+8)

World Bank Vice President Considers More Programs for Ningxia

World Bank Vice President Mohammed Muhsin said Tuesday that Ningxia has achieved good economic and social results in using loans from the bank.

The vice president made the remarks after he concluded a three-day visit of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He added that the World Band will consider more programs for Ningxia.

Muhsin is also the chief information officer of the World Bank.

Located in northwest China, Ningxia has carried out 13 programs from the bank since 1984, making use of a total loan of 130 million US dollars and involving irrigation, education, medicare and other fields.

Muhsin noted that the World Bank will support Ningxia to develop online education by Internet technologies.

In the educational sector, the World Bank has carried out five programs in Ningxia, including the development of local universities, TV universities, teaching materials and compulsory education in poverty-stricken areas.

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World Bank Vice President Mohammed Muhsin said Tuesday that Ningxia has achieved good economic and social results in using loans from the bank.

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