40th Anniversary of Sino-Lao Diplomatic Ties Marked

A reception was held at the Great Hall of the People Tuesday to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Laos.

Vice-Chairman Buhe of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC) and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Somsawat Lengsavad of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, who is currently on an official visit to China, attended the reception.

The reception was sponsored by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Sino-Lao Friendship Association.

Addressing the reception, CPAFFC President Chen Haosu reviewed the traditional friendship between the two peoples.

During the past 40 years since the forging of diplomatic ties, Sino-Lao relations have developed into a kind of good-neighborliness characterized by mutual reliance and support, equality, non-interference and sincere cooperation, which is in the fundamental interest of the two peoples and conducive to the peace, stability and development of the region, he said.

At the beginning of a new century, Sino-Lao relations have taken on a good development momentum as shown by the frequent exchange of high-level visits and increasing cooperation in all fields.

During his official visit to the Laos last year, President Jiang Zemin and President Khamtay reached consensus on bilateral ties and signed a joint statement on bilateral cooperation, which defined the development orientation of relationship, he said. Chen believes that the Sino-Lao relations would achieve new development in the new century.

Lao Ambassador Soukthavone Keola said that the Laos and China, as close neighbors, have conducted good cooperation in all fields during the past 40 years on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

The Lao government highly appreciates its friendship with China and is grateful for China's long-term support to the Laos, he said, adding the Laos would continue its efforts to develop a strong, stable and long-term relationship between the two countries.

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