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Tuesday, April 17, 2001, updated at 19:55(GMT+8)

Chinese Vice-premier Meets Lebanese National Assembly President

Chinese vice-premier Wen Jiabao met Tuesday with Nabih Berri, president of the National Assembly of Lebanon.

Wen said that China and Lebanon have had sound cooperation in the political, economic and cultural fields since the two countries forged diplomatic ties 30 years ago.

China attaches importance to developing friendly relations with Lebanon, and Berri's ongoing China visit will further the cooperation between the two countries.

While expressing his appreciation for Lebanon's support of the One-China principle, Wen rendered China's support of the just struggle of Lebanon for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Berri said Lebanon and China are economically complementary and Lebanon hopes to further cooperate with China in this regard.

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Chinese vice-premier Wen Jiabao met Tuesday with Nabih Berri, president of the National Assembly of Lebanon.

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