Home-appliance Show Replaces Trade Fair in Qingdao

The eastern province of Shandong will replace the Qingdao trade fair, which had been held for 17 consecutive years, with a specialized international home appliance exhibition.

The first home appliance exhibition, due to open on June 18, will be the first specialized international exhibition in China sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

An important industrial base, Qingdao has gradually become the nation's largest production base for home appliances like televisions and refrigerators hosting such famous brands as Haier and Hisense.

Despite that the trade fair successfully attracted overseas businessmen and investment alike in the past, the fair was lackluster because it was too generalized, said Wang Chuntao, director of the provincial foreign trade and economic cooperation department.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/