US Should Learn to be Humble: Tanzanian Paper

A leading Tanzanian newspaper Friday said the US government "should learn to be humble" in solving the kind of crisis like the collision involving the US and Chinese military planes.

The US should have learnt a lesson when the letter that contained the magic word of "sorry" secured the instant release of the 24-member US crew, commented Tanzania's The African newspaper.

The Bush administration should treasure the episode for future reference because "I am sorry" does not hurt anyone but gains one's respect.

The incident should be viewed in the context of the US' ambition to rule the skies of the entire world, said another article carried by the same paper.

On April 1, a US spy plane, flying off the coast of China's Hainan Island in the South China Sea, bumped into a Chinese jet fighter, which led to the crash of the Chinese fighter and missing of its pilot.

The damaged US plane with its 24 crew aboard, then made an emergency landing at a military airport in Hainan, without the prior permission from the Chinese authorities.

After a prolonged standoff between the two countries over whether the US government should apologize, the US government said recently in a letter to China that it is "very sorry" for the event and missing of the Chinese pilot.

China, in response, has released all the US crew on humanitarian considerations, while the two sides are still in negotiations on the incident.

People's Daily Online ---