Former Australian Prime Minister Calls for Just Report on China by US Media

US media should take up responsibility and strive to introduce and report on China in a possible justifiable way and without any prejudice. Robert Hawke, former Australian Prime minister, voiced on Thursday at the ceremony for the first publication of the report of "China and her neighbors Seminar". Quoting the statistics by a professor of the Stanford University R. Hawke pointed out that in the five years since 1996, the ratio of negative and positive reports by major US media, such as "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal" and "Time" was thirty to one.

It is extremely disappointing, Hawke indicated, because US people cannot see any positive changes that have taken place in China. However, the fact is that China has already made great achievements in many such aspects as law, freedom for news reports and votes. But reports of suchlike by the US media were seldom read and seen.

Hawke stressed that this atmosphere will not only obstruct the US community to understand China in a right way, but also influence the decision of the US policies towards the country, since there is not much difference between the US politicians and those of other countries.

Unfortunately, Hawke added, most of the senior governors of the United States are short of skills and common sense to get in touch with China. The US government should use more talents who are familiar with China in dealing with the country.

He warned that innocence and fear are the biggest foe obstructing countries in establishing peaceful relations with one another. More governmental, academic and commercial exchanges should be made between China and the US.

With regard to Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, Hawke said that it will not only promote the development of China, but expedite progress of the world as well. Meanwhile, since there will be more than 100,000 tourists going to the country for the Games, China can make a better show of its ability and carry on more exchanges with other countries.

By PD Online staff member Du Minghua

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