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Wednesday, April 11, 2001, updated at 18:49(GMT+8)

Chinese Auto Giant Aims High in Future Development

China First Automobile Works Group, the largest of its kind in the country, is striving to become the world's largest truck production center in ten years.

The company, based in northeast China, also targets at an annual sale of 800,000 automobiles, with yearly sales income and profit topping 100 billion yuan and three million yuan respectively, said General Manager Zhu Yanfeng.

Last year, the company produced and sold more than 400,000 automobiles, including 130,000 trucks, and remained to be China's top auto seller for nine consecutive years.

By the end of last year, the company had exported more than 20,000 automobiles, earning 250 million US dollars.

The company produces an array of sedans, trucks and buses, including three well-established brands of Red Flag, Jetta and Audi.

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China First Automobile Works Group, the largest of its kind in the country, is striving to become the world's largest truck production center in ten years.

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