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Tuesday, April 10, 2001, updated at 15:19(GMT+8)

Mainland Enterprises Listed in HK Exceeding a Capital of HK$10 Bn

This year saw an increase for mainland enterprises to get listed in Hong Kong. The seven mainland enterprises listed there have collected a fund of HK$ 11.64 billion.

According to the statistics, the 21 listed companies in Hong Kong this year have collected a capital, totaling HK$ 12.76 billion. And the fund raised by mainland enterprises in HK makes up 91 percent of the total, of which, China National Offshore Oil Corporation and TravelSky Technology Ltd. account for 86 percent.

In addition, more and more mainland hi-tech enterprises are optimistic about HK Growth Enterprise Market (GEM). Of the five hi-tech companies listed on GEM last week, two are from mainland, their capital taking up 68.5 percent of the total.

According to China Securities, the mainland enterprises which have so far got listed in Hong Kong, come to a total of 119, taking up 27 percent of the total market value there, and five of them are listed on GEM with a proportion of 7.9 percent.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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The seven mainland enterprises listed there have collected a fund of HK$ 11.64 billion.

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