Former Pakistani Provincial Minister Awarded 14-year Imprisonment

An Accountability Court in Punjab province of Pakistan has convicted Sheikh Ejaz Ahmed, former provincial minister for labor and manpower, to 14 years of imprisonment on charges of assets accumulation through corruption, said a report by the Associated Press of Pakistan on April 7.

The accused has also been disqualified for 21 years to hold any public office as well as been imposed a rigorous fine of 47.7 million rupees (about 770,000 US dollars) while his Mitsubishi Pajero worthy of 3.8 million rupees forfeited to the State. Sheikh Ejaz Ahmed indulged into corrupt practices and accumulated assets on his own name and names of his dependents and associates during his incumbency, the report said.

His bank transactions, properties and other transactions for which he cannot account for properly include foreign exchange bearer certificates of 21.7 million rupees, purchase of 290,730 US dollars, bank transactions of 40 million rupees and the Mitsubishi Pajero worth 3.8 million rupees.

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