Bush Calls For Public Support of Tax Cut Plan

US President George W. Bush urged Americans April 7 to keep pressure on lawmakers to stand by his tax cut plan.

The US Senate Friday passed a budget outline for roughly 1.2 trillion US dollars in tax cuts in 10 years, well below Bush's goal.

Many lawmakers "are still making their minds up" and critical votes lie ahead, Bush said in his weekly radio address.

"If we're to pass a substantial tax cut the people must make their voices heard. The crucial votes are still ahead," he said. " They are decisions we cannot afford to get wrong."

He called on citizens to raise their voices when House and Senate members appear at town meetings during this month's congressional recess.

Bush's radio address comments came a day after Friday's 65-35 Senate vote to trim his proposed 1.6 trillion dollars in 10-year tax cut by 400 billion dollars.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/