Liberia Accuses Guinea of Backing Rebels to Launch New Attacks

The Liberian government Thursday accused neighboring Guinea of supporting the rebels to attack the government forces in the northern Loffa county, according to reports reaching here from the country's capital of Monrovia.

"There is an international conspiracy against this government. We are in a tough situation. We are under an arms embargo. Our feet and hands are tied and (we have been) thrown in the ring to box," Defense Minister Daniel Chea was quoted as saying.

Combat was continuing between the Guinea-based Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) rebel group and government forces, Chea said, adding: "Both sides are still engaged in fierce fighting in Kolahun and Foya districts."

Chea denied the claims that the LURD rebels have won control of the area. "The dissidents will not run us out of Liberia," he said.

He stressed that a United Nations arms embargo on Liberia imposed in 1992 would not impede its resolve to crush the rebels, adding that nobody could take his government "for granted".

Liberia and Guinea, which hosts some 150,000 Liberian refugees, have been increasing conflict on the countries' common borders since early this year, accusing each other of harboring dissidents to launch cross-border attacks.

People's Daily Online ---