Teachers, Students in Beijing Universities Back China's Solemn Stand

Indignant teachers and Students of colleges and universities in China's capital have strongly condemned the US for its hegemonist act and expressed their resolute support to the solemn and just stand of the Chinese government.

Wang Qingying, a teacher with the Philosophy Department of Beijing Normal University, said that the US was too arrogant.

The incident of a US military spy plane bumping into a Chinese fighter is obviously planned beforehand and a wanton provocative act, he said.

He noted that the US plane intruded into China's territorial airspace and landed at a Chinese airport without permission, constituting a serious infringement upon the Chinese sovereignty and territorial airspace.

So far, the US has not given an explanation or apologized to the Chinese government and the Chinese people, which undoubtedly has laid bare the ugly nature of US's hegemonism. He said, "All the excuses of the US are futile and all evidence indicates that it is the US which caused a trouble.

"We give our strongest support to President Jiang's solemn and justified speech and our government's stand to safeguard national sovereignty and dignity," he said.

Ye Zicheng, director of the Diplomacy Department of Beijing University, noted that the Chinese sovereignty will never be infringed upon. The US military surveillance plane conducted spy fights over China's coastal areas, causing a Chinese fighter to crash, then intruded into the Chinese territorial airspace and landed at a Chinese airport without permission. "We strongly denounce the US for its barbarous act," he added.

Doctor Li Qingsi with the International Relationships Institute of People's University of China, aired the view that the US government should learn a lesson from the its bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia and handle relations with China on equal footing and with more sincerity and less arrogance.

The students of the Journalism Department of Central University for Nationalities felt extremely indignant after learning of the incident. They said that the US is making troubles all over the world.

They pointed out the US is too arrogant and infuriating. They expressed the belief that the Chinese government will certainly handle the incident properly to safeguard national sovereignty and dignity.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/