China Calls for New Political, Economic World Order

China appealed to the international community Wednesday to promote the trend toward political multi- polarity and make the most out of economic globalization in a common effort to establish a new political and economic world order in the new century.

Addressing the 105th Conference of the Inter Parliamentarian Union (IPU), Jiang Zhenghua, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the highest legislative body in China, said that the people of the world should strive for common development and prosperity.

He said that political multi-polarity, an inevitable trend in today's international relations, is conducive to peace, stability and democracy in the world.

He stressed that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence should become the core of modern international law and the norms governing international relations. The people of all countries have the rights to choose their social systems and the road of development according to their specific conditions, he added.

On the issue of economic globalization, Jiang said that while globalization helps countries seek investment from more channels, introduce advanced technologies and draw on the managerial expertise of other countries, it has its apparent negative effects, leading to a widening gap between the rich and poor, and more acute conflicts between the North and South.

He noted that the developing countries as a whole are at a disadvantage, with their economic sovereignty and security facing tough challenges.

"Economic globalization should benefit the whole world. What we want is one that brings about a win-win solution and coexistence for both the developed and developing nations," Jiang said.

He urged the international community, the industrialized countries in particular, to make greater efforts so that globalization would help promote the balance, stability and sustained growth of the world economy.

The vice chairman also briefed the delegates on China's achievements since it initiated reform and opening-up more than two decades ago.

"A stronger China poses no threat to other countries, but serves as a firm force for maintaining world peace and regional stability," he said.

The current IPU session started here last Sunday. Some 1,500 delegates from 120 countries attended the week-long conference.

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