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Thursday, April 05, 2001, updated at 15:47(GMT+8)

Panama Accuses US of Meddling in Internal Affairs

Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso Wednesday rapped the US Department of State over its criticism of her country's economic situation, saying the United States should not intervene in Panama's internal affairs.

The US should not intervene in Panama's internal economic affairs as these are of no concern to other countries, said Moscoso, quoted by the local press.

While admitting there exist problems in the economy, Moscoso retorted that the United States also has its own and therefore should mind its own business first.

The Department of State's yearly report said the government of Mireya Moscoso lacks a clear economic development plan and neglects key issues to the commercial sector, such as foreign debt, fiscal unbalance and the labor law.

In relation to foreign investments, the document said the government has not done enough to attract new foreign investments, which have reached their lowest level in the last decade.

Meanwhile, the Panamanian Finance and Treasury Ministry charged in a bulletin that the US report quoted "inexact" figures and information in order to smear the image of the Central American country.

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Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso Wednesday rapped the US Department of State over its criticism of her country's economic situation, saying the United States should not intervene in Panama's internal affairs.

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