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Thursday, April 05, 2001, updated at 14:05(GMT+8)

Egypt's Mubarak to Visit Russia at End of April

Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is planning to visit Russia at the end of April to discuss Middle East tensions with President Vladimir Putin, foreign ministry sources said on Wednesday.

The proposed trip, which has no confirmed date, follows a visit by Mubarak to Washington this week. The Egyptian leader discussed violence in the region with President George W. Bush and top administration officials.

At least 367 Palestinians, 71 Israelis and 13 Israeli Arabs have been killed in a six-month-old Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.

Iraq is another hot topic expected to be on the agenda of talks. Arab states and Russia have called for UN sanctions on Iraq to be lifted, a move opposed by the United States and Britain.

Mubarak will also visit Romania during the trip, the state-owned al-Ahram newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Mubarak is expected to have chosen his new foreign minister before the visit, ministry sources said. Current Foreign Minister Amr Moussa will take over as secretary-general of the Arab League on May 15.

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Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak is planning to visit Russia at the end of April to discuss Middle East tensions with President Vladimir Putin, foreign ministry sources said on Wednesday.

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