Chinese Courts to "Strike Hard" on Crimes Endangering Public Order

Chinese courts across the country will intensify efforts to punish criminals who endanger public security in strict accordance with the law, in order to make sure "obvious progress" is made in public order in the next two years, top judge Xiao Yang pledged Wednesday.

Chinese President Jiang Zemin issued the decree to "strike hard " against the increasing crimes Tuesday, and ordered that obvious progress must be made to improving the public security situation in two years.

Xiao, president of the Supreme People's Court, discussed his plan in this respect with presidents of higher people's courts at the provincial level on Wednesday.

Xiao said that "accuracy" should be the top priority of all the people's courts in the "strike hard" campaign, which requires accurate assessment of evidence, strict observance of legal procedures and adequate adjudication of all cases.

Courts at all levels should focus their work on crimes listed by President Jiang as most serious which include: explosions, murders, robbery, kidnapping, poisoning, trafficking in women and children, gang crimes, crimes in the economic sector, prostitution, gambling and drug trafficking, according to the top judge.

Government employees who serve as a patronizing umbrella for gang and Mafia organizations shall be investigated and punished according to law, he said.

Public security is closely related to the market economic order, Xiao said.

Crimes that cause major losses of the state and the people in this aspect shall be a major target for a crackdown by the courts, including the most noticeable corporate misconduct, he added.

Xiao also promised to strengthen efforts to educate the country's court staff so as to fulfill their task to 'strike hard.'"

People's Daily Online ---