257 Killed Daily in China's Traffic Accidents Last Year

An average of 1,700 traffic accidents took place each day in China last year, claiming some 257 lives, injuring 1,150 people, and causing direct economic losses of over 7.3 million yuan daily, said official sources Monday.

According to latest statistics from the Traffic Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, China registered 620,000 traffic accidents in 2000, killing 94,000, injuring 420,000, and leading to direct losses of 267 million yuan, up 49 percent, 12 percent, 46 percent and 26 percent, respectively, over the previous year.

Drivers of motor vehicles are responsible for 84 percent of all traffic accidents, 67 percent of all traffic deaths, 83 percent of all traffic injuries, and 89 percent of economic losses.

Speeding, negligence, failure to adjust to unexpected traffic situations, failure to give pedestrians the right-of-way, and driving in the wrong lanes are regarded as the five major causes of traffic accidents.

Moreover, last year saw a 34-percent rise in the number of drivers who fled the scene after causing accidents, with the total number surpassing 17,000.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/