Hope Project to Run Telnet Education Programs

China Youth Foundation (CYF) along with Xinnuo Satellite Communication Co Ltd. launched the Telnet education through the IP channel of CETV on March 26 for instructing and popularizing scientific knowledge among primary and middle school students. This indicates that the "Hope Project" has set foot onto the Information Freeway.

So far 8500-odd Hope Schools have been set up under the Hope Project. To narrow the gap in fundamental education between China's central and west regions and east areas, and let children in the remote areas share the resources of modern education, CYF has therefore initiated this program of telnet education.

The newly opened IP broadcasting channel is to bridge the digital gap so as to transmit the abundant movies and multi-media programs, that contains cartoon-form textbooks for Nine-year Compulsory Education (primary period), Naughty Blue Cat's 3000 questions and some others to the remote areas. The material for the Nine-year Compulsory Education is to be on the air from time to time in one of the IP channel and the other program: Naughty Blue Cat and Scientific Creation and Social Progress will be aired in the channel for comprehensive programs.

By PD Online staff member Yin Zhili

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/