5 Palestinian Security Forces Kidnapped by Israel: Spokesman

A Palestinian spokesman confirmed Sunday evening the kidnapping of five Palestinian security forces by Israel, saying that the move represented the serious escalation of tensions between the Palestinians and Israelis.

The spokesman said that Israeli airborne forces made a landing operation on a Palestinian security checkpoint near the village of Jiljilya in area A under full Palestinian control and kidnapped the five security forces and one civilian.

"This aggression represents a serious violation of the agreements signed by the two sides that could have several repercussions in security terms," he added.

The Palestinian National Authority asked the Israeli side to set free all the kidnapped people, the spokesman said.

Israel Radio confirmed Sunday that an Israeli army unit arrested Saturday night six Palestinians, including five elements of Force 17, the personal guard of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, adding that one of the high officials of the Force 17 was among the arrested in the area north of Ramallah.

Israel has repeatedly blamed the Force 17 for a series of shootings and attacks on Israelis since the Israeli-Palestinian violence broke out six months ago, during which more than 430 people, most of them Palestinians, have been killed and thousands of others wounded.

Last Wednesday, Israeli helicopter gunships and tanks fired missiles and shells at Force 17's regional headquarters in the Gaza Strip and in Ramallah and Hebron, a move Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said was "only part of a long-term plan against terrorists."

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/