Yugoslav Police Storm Milosevic's Residence

Yugoslav riot police in bullet-proof jackets and helmets started to storm the residence of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic early Saturday where gunfire were heard.

Local television showed footage of masked policemen holding rifles storming the house in a Belgrade suburb.

The reports said shooting was heard when policemen started to disperse more than one hundred die-hard supporters of Milosevic and clashed with them. One police officer reportedly suffered minor injury.

Milosevic's followers who have cordoned the house for days were trying to prevent the policemen from entering the compound.

Few hours before the clash, Milosevic was seen waving to supporters at the gate of his house.

Serb television reported that Milosevic had been back home under house arrest after being arrested and taken to Belgrade Central Court late Thursday night.

An earlier report of the Yugoslav news agency Tanjug said that some 80 policemen had entered Milosevic house at around 2:00 a.m. local time Saturday (2300 GMT Thursday).

The Yugoslav government's latest action against Milosevic was widely seen as a result of pressure from Washington which set March 31 as the deadline for the arrest of Milosevic.

Earlier Friday, US president George W. Bush called for the arrest of Milosevic, a precondition for continued US financial aid.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/