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Friday, March 30, 2001, updated at 08:12(GMT+8)

Indian PM to Visit Iran in April

Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will undertake a four-day official visit to Iran from April 10 with the aim of further expanding multi-faceted bilateral ties, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported Thursday.

Vajpayee, who is going at the invitation of Iranian President Syed Mohd. Khatami, will have wide-ranging discussions on regional and international issues of mutual concern with the Iranian leadership, the PTI noted.

The whole gamut of bilateral cooperation is likely to come under review with steps taken to identify new areas, particularly in the field of energy, given Iran's oil and gas reserves and India's energy requirements, it added.

The scourge of international terrorism, United Nations reforms, situation in Afghanistan and developments in the Middle East peace process are also among the issues that are likely to figure during talks Vajpayee will have with President Khatami and other Iranian leaders, said the PTI.

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Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will undertake a four-day official visit to Iran from April 10 with the aim of further expanding multi-faceted bilateral ties, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported Thursday.

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