Bush Not to Implement Kyoto Climate Treaty: White House

US President George W. Bush will not implement the climate treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, the White House said Wednesday.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters that Bush has been unequivocal. "He does not support the Kyoto treaty."

Fleischer said, "The treaty exempts the developing nations around the world and it is not in the United States's economic best interest. The treaty, as you know, was signed, but it was not ratified by the US Senate."

"Under the Kyoto agreement, 55 nations need to submit it, enforce it, to their various governments. Only one nation in the world has done so. There are 54 more to go, so the treaty cannot possibly even be in effect," Fleischer said.

"So there's nothing to withdraw from, because there's no treaty in effect," he added.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/