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Wednesday, March 28, 2001, updated at 12:15(GMT+8)

Chinese Scientists Ensure Weather Monitoring for Space Programs

Chinese scientists have gained accurate technology for monitoring the weather, setting a solid ground for the country's space programs and other scientific experiments.

Sources show that the country's weather monitoring ability has witnessed a strategic transition and is becoming more advanced and efficient.

So far scientists have set up many automatic devices for weather monitoring systems such as an early-warning system for monitoring the electric field in the atmosphere, a radar system for monitoring winds and rains, and a ship-based satellite remote sensing image receiving and treating system.

The weather monitoring system has offered indispensable services for about one hundred successful space flights in the past five years.

The country has trained a professional team composed of various personnel for the drive.

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Chinese scientists have gained accurate technology for monitoring the weather, setting a solid ground for the country's space programs and other scientific experiments.

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