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Wednesday, March 28, 2001, updated at 12:15(GMT+8)

Milosevic's Allies Arrested

Belgrade's district prosecutor confirmed Monday's arrests of seven allies of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslavia's Tanjug news agency reported Tuesday.

The seven allies, including former foreign minister Zivadin Jovanovic, would be detained for one month pending investigation on charges of fraud and other wrongdoing, the report said.

After the arrests, Milosevic's Socialist Party and his wife Mirjana Markovic's Yugoslav Left issued separate statements, condemning the arrests and calling them "a new act of persecution" against members of the two parties.

Analysts believe that the investigation of the seven could help judicial officials build a case against Milosevic.

The arrested were accused of helping Milosevic obtain a house by fraud in Belgrade's upmarket Dedinje district at the end of his term.

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Belgrade's district prosecutor confirmed Monday's arrests of seven allies of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslavia's Tanjug news agency reported Tuesday.

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