China to Boom its Electric Power Industry

The coming five years will see the electric power industry quicken its paces of development by adding a new generating capacity of some 100 million kw aside from making full use of the existing installments, said Gao Yan, general manager of the State Power Corporation, March 24.

In a written speech, Gao said, during the past five years, China has made great achievements in the electric power industry. In 2000, the generating sets China installed witnessed a combined capacity of over 300 million kw and it topped world second in both general installed capacity and yearly electricity generation. In addition, China has carried out the structural adjustment, in which government function was separated steadily from enterprise management. China has also completed the urban and rural electric network reconstruction with significant progress made in the project of "power transmission from west China to east" and nationwide network construction, and promoted the reform on power distribution system in accordance with the state's plan.

Gao said, the coming five years is another important period for the rapid development of the industry. In this period, we must make the structural adjustment the key of our work; seize the opportunities of the west China development and the project of "power transmission from the west to the east"; adjust power supply network and regional layout. We must also hasten up the development of hydroelectricity and find new resources for power generation, reduce small-sized thermal power stations, strengthen the electric net construction and push forward the nationwide networking project, thereby achieving the most optimum distribution of resources on a larger scale.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

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