UN Human Rights Commission Urged to Refrain from Condemning Iran

Member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) called Monday on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) to stop issuing resolutions blaming Iran annually as desired by the West.

Such kind of resolutions have been issued despite highly positive developments taking place in Iran in the field of human rights over the past few years, an OIC statement was quoted as saying by Iran's IRNA news agency.

The statement stressed that the resolutions, which have been issued for political reasons to condemn a number of Islamic states, reveal the hasty prejudices towards the world of Islam.

Violation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories by "the Zionist (Israeli) occupation forces" has always been a major concern in the world of Islam, the statement said.

The full implementation of the resolutions adopted at the fifth UNCHR special session in this respect is highly emphasized by Muslim countries.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/