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Wednesday, March 28, 2001, updated at 14:38(GMT+8)

China's First Core Router Developed

China's First Core Router
China's first core router, a key piece of equipment in the network information transmission system, has recently been developed, which means China has reached the world advanced level in the information technology field.

The core router, jointly developed by the Computer Institute of National Defense Science and Technology University and the Datang Telecom Science and Technology Co. Ltd., can transmit 2.5 billion Chinese characters per second.

In other words, it takes the core router only one second to transmit 10,000 books with 250,000 Chinese characters.

Experts say the core router is of great importance to the construction of China's information highway and protection of information safety.

The program to develop China's first core router was listed as one of China's key research projects in 1999. The equipment will be used in the sectors of communications, television, power generation, national defense and finance, according to experts.

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China's first core router, a key piece of equipment in the network information transmission system, has recently been developed, which means China has reached the world advanced level in the information technology field.

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