Shandong to Attract Bid at APEC Investment Fair

East China's Shandong Province will issue a series of key projects to attract bids at the Second Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Investment Fair this June.

Wang Chuntao, director of the Provincial Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau said in this capital city of Shandong that they are now working to push forward a series of key projects, stressing hi-tech projects.

Yantai, a coastal city in East China's Shandong Province, will be the host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Investment Fair from June 9-15.

The event will fully display the investment environment, policies and opportunities of APEC members, promote international exchanges and cooperation and help boost economic development in the Asia-Pacific region.

China is the host of all APEC activities for 2001, and the investment fair is one of the most important of these activities. China's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Shandong provincial government will sponsor the event.

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