Heavy Oil Mixed with Water Helps to Save Energy

It sounds a little suspicious when one says that better combustion will occur when heavy oil is mixed with water, but a factory in coastal Zhejiang Province has already started to produce this special mixture.

Heavy oil can not be fully combusted due to its heavy nature, but when mixed with water and working under high temperature, it will swiftly emulsify, disseminate and atomize, making full combustion possible.

Test results show that the mixture gives off more carbon dioxide, signaling that the efficiency for combustion is on the rise. Results also show that the mixture is 20 to 30 percent more efficient.

So far, a production base with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons has already been established. Sold at about one-tenth lower than the price for common heavy oil, the mixture has so far been given a high rating among its users.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/