Portable Terminal Unit Assists Police in Beijing

A kind of portable terminal unit,the size of personal data assistant (PDA), will soon be available to the police at the Xicheng branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

The terminal unit, connected to the database of the state Ministry of Public Security and Beijing Public Security Bureau, will enable policeman on duty to make instant queries about related information on criminal records, population, vehicles and other necessary data in handling with cases.

In addition, the policeman will be able to send email through the device, reporting information to processing centers of public security administrations.

The police usually connect to command centers through interphone for necessary information in dealing with cases when patrolling the streets, which will often take ten to twenty minutes and delay the swift process of cracking the case, said a senior official with Xicheng branch of Beijing Public Security Bureau.

Wireless communications will shorten the normal time to one or two minutes, according to sources.

So far, a first batch of 14 terminal units have been put to work while more will be available in the near future.

The public security administration will also carry out a training program to polish staff's skill at operating electronic devices.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/