Philippine Rebels Attack Army Despite Peace Initiative

Even as peace talks were set to be resumed between the government and the New People's Army (NPA), some 30 guerrillas attacked government troops Sunday.

A report received Tuesday by Armed Forces Chief of Staff Angelo T.Reyes said that two 520-MG attack helicopters fighted against the rebels after the beleaguered troops at Mountain Province, over 200 kilometers north to Manila radioed for air support, according to the Philippine News Agency.

The government has declared a suspension of military operations covering 11 provinces north of Manila, not including the Mountain province, to pave the way for resumption of peace talks with the National Democratic Front (NDF) and its military wing, the NPA.

Both the government and the NDF are now working for the venue of the peace negotiations.

The talks collapsed in May 1999 when the NDF protested over the ratification by the Senate of the Philippines-United States Visiting Forces Agreement.

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