UN Secretary General to Visit Pakistan Soon

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan will visit Pakistan on March 10 to discuss various issues of the region with the country's leaders, officials said Thursday.

During his visit, he will call on Chief Executive General Pervez Musharraf, President Rafiq Tarar and Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar.

He will discuss three main issues with the Pakistani leaders, including Afghan issue, Pak-India relations and his own election for the second term as UN Secretary General. Restoration of democracy in Pakistan is also likely to be discussed.

On March 11, he will go to Peshawar in Northwest Frontier Province to visit Afghan refugee camps to ascertain the deteriorating situation there and what it can be in the future.

It is estimated that some 170,000 Afghans have sought UN assistance near Peshawar since September after fleeing drought and war between the Taliban militia and the opposition forces.

The UN estimates that up to 600,000 Afghans have been displaced or made refugees since last year and about one million Afghans are at risk of famine. It said that without prompt delivery of aid, a humanitarian catastrophe could ensue.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/