India, China Pose No Threat to Each Other: Indian FM

China does not pose a threat to its neighbors and does not view India as a threat, Indian External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh said Wednesday in New Delhi.

Singh made these remarks while answering questions in the Lok Sabha, or the lower house of the Indian parliament, which is now in its budget session here, the Press Trust of India (PTI) reported.

Singh noted that during his visit to India from January 9 to 17, Li Peng, Chairman of China's National People's Congress Standing Committee, had emphasized maintaining good neighborly relations with India.

Singh also told the Lok Sabha that there was no dumping of Chinese goods in Indian markets with the trade balance in favor of India.

The trade balance was 63 percent in favor of India and 36 percent in favor of China, said he.

To a question on Tibet, Singh said "India's position is clear.

It is an autonomous region of China and (the Indian) Government accepts this stand".

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