NPC Deputies and CPPCC Members of Taiwan Origin Condemn Book on Taiwan

NPC deputies and CPPCC members of Taiwan origin slashed out at the book "Taiwan Discourse" authored by Yoshinori Kobayashi as having distorted history, covered up the crimes of Japanese invaders and prettified the colonial rule of Taiwan by Japan.

It tramples on the feeling and dignity of the Chinese nation, including Taiwan compatriots, they said, adding that it is also an expression of the collusion between the forces for Taiwan independence in Taiwan and Japanese militarists.

The NPC deputies and CPPCC members of Taiwan origin are here to attend annual NPC and CPPCC sessions.

Zhang Yongjun, whose ancestral home is in Taipei and now secretary general of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League and whose father fled the barbarous rule by Japanese in Taiwan, was enraged at the mention of the book. He said that the book eulogized Japanese invasion and occupation of Taiwan, fully revealing the evil features of Japanese militarists who committed countless crimes against Taiwan compatriots during its 50-year colonial rule.

Chen Zhengtong, a Taiwan-born CPPCC National Committee member and vice-chairman of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, said the book distorts the history of Taiwan people's struggle against Japanese occupation, and yet, Taiwan separatist forces have gone even so far as to heap praises on the book. This is a full revelation of the feature of traitors and collaborators, he noted.

Born in 1939 in Taiwan, Chen witnessed the tyranny and exploitation of the Taiwan people by the Japanese colonists.

"History brooks no distortion", he said. "How can killing and plunder by Japanese occupationists be called "contributions" to Taiwan?"

Lin Donghai, another CPPCC National Committee member who spent his youth in Taiwan, said that it is a great insult to Taiwan people for the book to describe Taiwan "comfort women" as " voluntary".

He exposed that Japanese invaders recruited students from schools in the name of serving as nurses but in fact they were forced to serve as "comfort women", adding that it was exactly for the purpose of escaping such forced recruitment that his sister had to get married before finishing the middle school.

Zhang Xidong, an NPC deputy and president of the Fujian provincial Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, said the publication of the book is a very dangerous signal. "It is not an isolated event," he noted. "It is a new expression of the stepped-up collusion between forces for Taiwan independence in Taiwan and Japanese militarists in their fresh attempt to alienate Taiwan from China."

"History brooks no distortion or tempering. The fact that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory will never change," Zhang said.

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