Violence Escalates in Aceh, Indonesia

Violence has again escalated in Aceh, Indonesia, with at least 11 persons being killed in various incidents on Wednesday.

According to the Jakarta Post Thursday, incidents were reported in East Aceh, Aceh Besar and South Aceh.

Five bodies were found in the town of Langsa, East Aceh, one in Birem Bayeun district and one more was evacuated from Peurelak, also in East Aceh, on Wednesday.

Two other bodies were found in Aceh Besar on Wednesday morning.

The police claim that two alleged rebels were killed on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meanwhile, talks continue between government representatives and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) separatist rebels regarding security arrangements.

"Some of the breakthroughs include field commanders from both sides being linked by mobile satellite telephone hotlines, the introduction of a special joint force uniform and a planned joint operation between security forces and GAM to expel third parties disrupting the Aceh situation," said Oemardi, director of public information for the humanitarian pause in Aceh.

The closed-door meeting was attended for the first time by two Indonesian Army representatives. Oemardi said the meeting will probably be completed on Thursday.

Earlier on Tuesday, Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Affairs Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the government would conduct a limited military operation early in March so that the strict measures planned against separatist activities will be accurate and civilians will not be hurt.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Military chief Adm. Widodo A.S. said that security disturbances in Aceh cannot be handled by the police alone.

"Strict action against armed separatist activities must be conducted through military operations," Widodo was quoted by the paper as saying.

GAM has been fighting for a free Islamic state since the mid 1970s. Thousands of people have been killed during the clashes between the government troops and the Acehnese rebels.

People's Daily Online ---