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Thursday, March 01, 2001, updated at 11:25(GMT+8)

To Live, Keep Away from Falun Gong

Falun Gong, advocated by Li Hongzhi, does not cherish people's lives, said Shao Jun, a former Falun Gong practitioner.

Shao, a medical worker at the People's Hospital of Cangxi County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, said that Falun Gong seduces practitioners to seek "completion," which results in self-immolation. "If you want to live, keep away from Falun Gong," Shao said.

She said she immediately wrote a letter of guarantee to break away from Falun Gong after she saw on TV and read newspaper reports that several Falun Gong practitioners set themselves on fire at Tian'anmen Square on January 23.

"I was shocked and I felt that practicing Falun Gong is an irresponsible action which harms not only one's life, but also one's children and family," Shao said.

Shao recalled that she was fooled into practicing Falun Gong three years ago.

She said she has been always in a dilemma when she was practicing Falun Gong, because she found that Li Hongzhi's books were full of contradictions.

"I became whiny and lost interest in my work, and sometimes I even thought of committing suicide," Shao recalled.

She said, now she has realized the true nature of the Falun Gong cult, which is: cheating people to make a profit and claiming people's lives.

"I will not practice Falun Gong again in my life," Shao stressed, adding "It is a happy thing to live a normal life."

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Falun Gong, advocated by Li Hongzhi, does not cherish people's lives, said Shao Jun, a former Falun Gong practitioner.

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