Yunnan Flowers Enjoying a Worldwide Market

Fresh flowers from southwest China's Yunnan Province have now been available in many countries' flower markets abroad and these have come to take about 45 percent of China's flower exports as reported last year, amounting to 1645 batches, 28 million seedlings in all, at a value of US $2.236 million.

Yunnan's flowers exports are in 20-odd varieties, Carnation, Forget-Me-Not, Lily and Silene armeria (L) included, bound for Japan, ROK, Singapore, Cananda, Netherlands and others. Meanwhile, it has most flower seedlings of Carnation, Chinese Rose, Gerbera jamesonii and Chinagreen Herb locally grown directed to Japan, Spain, France, Italy, Viet-nam etc., with a yearly total of 1.3 billion bunches of fresh flowers produced last year, taking the first place in China since 1994.

By PD Online Staff Yin Zhili

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