Taiwan's Nuclear Power Tussle Brings Huge Losses

Taiwan's nuclear power plant tussle has given rise to turbulent politics, economic depression, stock market slump and a reduction of wealth by people in Taiwan. Billions of yuan and a per-capita amount of 110,000 yuan of new Taiwan currency have been incurred.

The local authorities decided to stop construction of Taiwan's 4th Nuclear Power Plant on Oct 27 of last year disregarding strong opposition in the Legislative Yuan. An antagonistic public has thus appeared against the authorities and rises unprecedented social unrest. In this circumstance, the Taiwan authorities had to announce continued construction of the plant on February 14 this year in order to extricate itself out of the island's political deadlock and maintain economic advance.

However, according to an authoritative estimation, during a 110 days' stoppage of construction 720 million yuan of new Taiwan currency had to be paid on interest and when adding in the compensations, the whole loss totals about 2 to 3 billion yuan of new Taiwan currency.

It is reported by Taiwan's media, from ceased construction there has been brought about an incessant drop of 4.5 trillion yuan of new Taiwan currency in market value. Still, every Taiwanese has to suffer a loss of 200,000 yuan of new Taiwan currency. Despite of a slight rebound of stock market since resumption of the construction, Taiwan people's per-capita loss has topped 110,000 yuan of new Taiwan currency.

By PD Online Staff Deng Gang

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/