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Friday, February 23, 2001, updated at 20:34(GMT+8)

Israel Tightens Blockade on Gaza Strip

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) tightened its blockade Friday on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, erecting more road blocks and forbidding the Palestinians to move freely.

The Israeli army set up more checkpoints in the center of the strip, effectively dividing the strip into two parts, witnesses said.

This step was apparently taken after the Palestinians detonated at least two bombs early Friday in the strip. It was also part of the security measure taken before U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's visit to the region during the weekend.

Two explosive devices went off within half an hour of each other Friday morning in he strip. The first one blasted near the settlement of Morag and was most likely intended against the IDF soldiers, the IDF said.

Another device exploded on the Karni-Netzarim road and an IDF soldier was lightly wounded.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers opened heavy gunfire on the Deir El- Balah refugee camp in southern strip, adjacent to the Jewish settlement of Netzarim a short while ago.

Palestinians said that as a result of shooting, a school in the refugee camp was damaged and a residential house burnt.

Near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, Palestinians threw two grenades and fired shots at an Israeli army bulldozer and the soldiers responded with firing. But no injuries were reported so far.

Powell is scheduled to arrive in the region Saturday evening to hold talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders on the Middle East peace process.

His Middle East trip will also take him to Jordan, Egypt, Syrian, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

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The Israel Defense Force (IDF) tightened its blockade Friday on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, erecting more road blocks and forbidding the Palestinians to move freely.

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