Leading IT Company Sets Up Regional Office in HK

Leading US information technology company FreeMarkets, Inc has selected Hong Kong as its regional office for China, a spokesman for the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) said Monday in Hong Kong.

"FreeMarkets' establishment of a regional office for China here reflects the importance of Hong Kong as a hub for the company's China business development. The investment is one of the latest in a series of companies who saw Hong Kong as an excellent base for China," said the SAR's acting Director-General of Investment Promotion John Wan.

"The presence of FreeMarkets and other information technology companies in Hong Kong will strengthen our capability and competitiveness in international trade through e-commerce facilities," Wan said, adding that companies in Hong Kong and China's inland will benefit from these e-commerce technology and services.

Since 1995, more than 4,000 suppliers from over 50 countries have participated in the FreeMarkets business-to-business on-line marketplace.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/