Chinese Woman Keeps Japanese Spy Atlas for 60 Years

A Chinese woman has been keeping a military atlas, believed to have been compiled by Japanese spies, for 60 years.

Hao Qingfen, a retired worker living in north China's Shanxi Province, has revealed to the public the atlas, named "The New Pocket Atlas of China", as evidence of Japan's invasion of China.

Hao, 78, said that she participated in the war of resistance against Japan in the 1940s. During a battle in 1942, she discovered the atlas under the body of a dead Japanese soldier.

The atlas, measuring 15 cm by 10 cm, contains 13 maps showing details of all Chinese provinces and regions, including Tibet and Hong Kong.

The users could easily identify major radio stations, airports and consulates on the maps.

Scholars believe that the maps were drawn by Japanese spies before the war, and were used by middle- and low-ranking officers of the Japanese invading forces during the war.

People's Daily Online ---