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Monday, February 19, 2001, updated at 22:28(GMT+8)

Top Advisers Inspect Capital Security

Members of the subcommittees for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Overseas Chinese and of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee held an inspection tour of the capital's security work Monday.

They are here to attend the annual session of the National Committee of the CPPCC, China's top advisory body.

At the Bureau of Communications, they were briefed on the city' s current situation and its system of scientific transportation management.

The members then visited the control center of the Beijing Bureau of Public Security to see how the security hotline works.

During discussions there, the members urged that firmer action be taken against those who offend communication regulations and further work be done to improve the administration of migrant workers.

They also said that they would fully play their roles as advisors in the upcoming annual session to submit more proposals on improving communications in the capital.

Qiang Wei, director of the Beijing Bureau of Public Security, said that the Beijing Municipal Government will take the members' advice seriously in order to enhance the safety and stability of Beijing.

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Members of the subcommittees for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots and Overseas Chinese and of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee held an inspection tour of the capital's security work Monday.

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