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Sunday, February 18, 2001, updated at 12:03(GMT+8)

Team Canada 2001 Concludes HK Visits With 27 Deals

Team Canada 2001 Concludes HK Visits With 27 Deals
Team Canada 2001 to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong wrapped up Saturday with a total of 5.7 billion Canadian dollars (3.7 million U.S. dollars) in new deals for Canadian entrepreneurs.

In a signing ceremony in Hong Kong, the third and final stop of Team Canada 2001, 27 new business deals worth over 75 million Canadian dollars (49 million U.S. dollars) were signed between Canadian and Hong Kong enterprises.

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa attended the signing ceremony.

Chretien said he was delighted with the tremendous firms inroads Canadian enterprises have made.

"Canadian firms, from small start-ups to major corporations, have shown ingenuity, resourcefulness and drive in landing a wide range of deals," he said, adding "The scope of the agreements, the range of companies and the dollar amounts all point to a promising future for Canadians in these important and dynamic markets."

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Team Canada 2001 to Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong wrapped up Saturday with a total of 5.7 billion Canadian dollars (3.7 million U.S. dollars) in new deals for Canadian entrepreneurs.

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