Tajikistan, Russia Hold Joint Military Maneuver

Tajikistan and Russia began a joint military maneuver in Tajikistan Thursday, said a report reaching here from Dushanbe, the capital of the country.

Two motorized infantry units, an artillery unit and a helicopter group from Tajikistan, and the 201 motorized infantry division and frontier forces from Russia are taking part in the six-day war games, which will end Tuesday, according to Center- Asia Interfax News Agency.

The press center of Tajikistan's Defense Ministry said the maneuver aimed at examining the joint combat-readiness in the serious situation and strengthening combined operations between troops of the two countries.

It said that the exercise, conducted under a military cooperation plan between the two countries, is different from the previous ones, in which the Russian troops were confined in fulfilling the theory tasks and Tajikistan forces were involved in actual combat games.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/