Serbia Names New Judges to Top Courts

The Serbian parliament appointed new judges to top courts of the republic and Belgrade on Thursday, after dismissing dozens of Milosevic-era judges and prosecutors.

The new judges, several of them had been fired by Milosevic's regime, were assigned to the presidents of the Serbian Supreme Court, of Belgrade District Court and of the four municipal courts in Belgrade, local radio B92 reported.

Leposava Karamarkovic, who was sacked last year by former president Slobodan Milosevic, reassumed the president of the Supreme Court to replace Balsa Govedarica.

Most of the judges nominated in parliamentary sessions late Wednesday and Thursday favor a free and independent judiciary system.

Karamarkovic pledged that she would ensure the country's judiciary system is free from the grip of politicians. "I have been given guarantees that nobody will interfere. If I cannot resist the pressure, I will quit."She said.

Serbian Justice Minister Vladan Batic expressed support to the creation of a free and independent judiciary system.

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